5.0 其它 · 2003 · 其它 · 动作片
When Lauren disappears from a night club and doesn’t return home the next morning, her mother, Michelle, to avoid publicity and a scandal, decides to search for her missing daughter. Michelle soon discovers that her daughter might have been part of a pornographic snuff ring that lures young girls to make their money. Fearing for Lauren’s safety, Michelle hires the help of a store employee to find her daughter. But finding Lauren soon becomes an impossible task as no one really cares about missing girls or a mother’s lover for her baby. In order to find her daughter, Michelle must enter into the darkest and most shocking areas of the industry. Michelle will go anywhere and do anything to find her baby girl. . . How far will you go
9.0 英语,德语 · 2002 · 美国 · 剧情片
布鲁斯·威利斯,科林·法瑞尔,泰伦斯·霍华德,科尔·豪瑟,马塞尔·尤勒斯,莱纳斯·罗彻,维斯勒·夏农,莫瑞·史特林,山姆·贾格,斯科特·迈克尔·坎贝尔,罗利·科奇瑞恩,Sebastian Tillinger,瑞克·拉瓦内洛,艾德里安·格尼尔,迈克尔·温斯顿,乔纳森·布兰戴斯,乔·斯帕诺,萨姆·沃辛顿,Rúaidhrí Conroy,Tony Devlin,迈克尔·兰德斯,Gary Gold,霍尔格
1944年,盟军已经登陆欧洲对纳粹展开反攻,在耶鲁学习法律的汤姆·哈特(柯林·法瑞尔 Colin Farrell 饰)由参议院父亲的安排下进入部队担任驻扎后方的中尉,一次护送任务中,哈特不幸被俘,被纳粹送往集中营中关押。在集中营里,出身军官世家的威廉·麦克纳马拉上校(布鲁斯·威利斯 Bruce Willis 饰)担任俘虏们的领导,他将可能出卖了盟军情报的哈特分配到士兵营房,又将两名黑人飞行员指派给哈特照顾,集中营中充斥种族歧视的气氛,哈特不得不尽力避免黑人飞行员遭受同袍的伤害,然而一名飞行员还是死于陷害,而剩下的另一名飞行员则卷入了谋杀,哈特决定为黑人辩护,向集中营中的歧视宣战……