7.0 英语 · 2011 · 其它 · 恐怖片
Ralf Beck,Elin Hugoson,Hanna Oldenburg
年轻的音乐人维诺拉(汉娜·奥登伯格 Hanna Oldenburg 饰)被工作压得身心疲惫,于是从紧张的行程中抽身,躲到了经纪人为她在偏僻乡村租的房子里休息。这所房子地处山间,且老旧破败,维诺拉百无聊赖去酒馆散心,并邂逅了当年的男友瑞克(帕特里克·塞克斯 Patrick Saxe 饰)及其朋友卡尔(Andreas Rylander 饰)、莉丝(Elin Hugoson 饰)。她热情地邀请瑞克等人来房子作客,四个年轻人相谈甚欢,全然不知接下来将发生的事情。 夜深人静,阴沉的脚步声开始在房间内响起,卡尔和莉丝接连遭遇血腥屠杀,久别重逢的维诺拉和瑞克却全然不知夜晚发生的事情。食人恶魔的脚步渐渐逼向了他们……
7.0 西班牙语 · 2015 · 西班牙 · 剧情片
Hanna Oldenburg,Ralf Beck,Niki Nordenskj?ld,Torbj?rn Andersson
Emma is a businesswoman coming from Australia to the U.S to sign a controversial oil contract. On her way to a press conference, she jumps into a taxi. Soon after, to her surprise, she is attacked and drugged by the taxi driver. She wakes up tied to a chair in a filthy cabin. Emma soon learns she's the night's amusement for a man named Jim and his loyal associates Pete and Shir...