4.0 英语 · 2019 · 欧美 · 剧情片
朱丽安·摩尔,米歇尔·威廉姆斯,比利·克鲁德普,威尔·切斯,桃乐丝·麦卡锡,艾比·奎因,伊萨·戴维斯,艾奇·罗伯逊,亚历克斯·克兰默,苏珊·布莱克威尔,Alex Esola,Mackenzie Owens,Eric D. Hill Jr.,Jeff Kim,Ron Simons,Ruth Barrie
5.0 西班牙语,德语 · 2024 · 阿根廷,西班牙,巴西,秘鲁,哥伦比亚,厄 · 动画片
Adolfo (55), a famous short story writer, decides to write his first novel and gives his daughter Dalia (6) the gift of creating a character for the story. She chooses a goat, like her stuffed animal. After the death of her father, Dalia (12) is kidnapped by the characters of the story. Through a portal, they make her a character of the novel “The Red Book”. While struggling to...
5.0 西班牙语 / 德语 · 2024 · 阿根廷 / 西班牙 / 巴西 / 秘鲁 · 动画电影
Adolfo (55), a famous short story writer, decides to write his first novel and gives his daughter Dalia (6) the gift of creating a character for the story. She chooses a goat, like her stuffed animal. After the death of her father, Dalia (12) is kidnapped by the characters of the story. Through a portal, they make her a character of the novel “The Red Book”. While struggling to find a way out with the help of Goat, Dalia must face the other characters, who will do anything to become the main characters of the book. She is the only one capable of writing the final chapter, though she doesn’t feel confident enough. Dalia has only 12 hours, a blank page, and a pen to complete the story. The adventure within the book leads her to discover who her father’s friends and enemies were. She writes the ending and discovers whether she wants to follow in her father's footsteps as a writer or not.
3.0 其它 · 2024 · 其它 · 日韩动漫
Agustina Cirulnik,Mora Kind,Gustavo Barrientos,Mariana Correa,Andrés Burecovics,Natalia Rosminati,Nicolás Espinosa,Lisette Freire Pérez,Eduardo Jovany Magaña Espinoza
Adolfo (55), a famous short story writer, decides to write his first novel and gives his daughter Dalia (6) the gift of creating a character for the story. She chooses a goat, like her stuffed animal. After the death of her father, Dalia (12) is kidnapped by the characters of the story. Through a portal, they make her a character of the novel “The Red Book”. While struggling to find a way out with the help of Goat, Dalia must face the other characters, who will do anything to become the main characters of the book. She is the only one capable of writing the final chapter, though she doesn’t feel confident enough. Dalia has only 12 hours, a blank page, and a pen to complete the story. The adventure within the book leads her to discover who her father’s friends and enemies were. She writes the ending and discovers whether she wants to follow in her father's footsteps as a writer or not.
6.0 其它 · 1973 · 英国 · 恐怖片
克里斯托弗·李,彼得·库欣,阿尔维托·德·门多萨,西尔维娅·托尔托萨,胡利奥·培尼亚,安赫尔·德尔波佐,赫尔佳·丽列,Alice Reinheart,何塞·加斯帕,乔治·里戈,Víctor Israel,Barta Barri,José Canalejas,特利·萨瓦拉斯,Juan Olaguivel,Faith Clift,Peter Beckman
英国人类学家克里斯(克里斯托弗·李 Christopher Lee 饰)在中国东北地区发现一个冷冻的人型怪物,并将它带上前往欧洲的列车。然而,在半途中,这个怪物解冻并开始猎杀列车上的乘客,吸取他们的脑浆,导致了恐怖的场面。 尽管车上有军队介入并成功杀死了怪物,但它的意识却转移到了另一个人的身体上,导致杀戮继续。更加可怕的是,它还能够将已经死去的人复活并变成活死人来为它效命。面临如此绝望的局面,幸存的乘客们决定采取极端措施,销毁火车,以终结这一恐怖事件。故事展示了人类在面对未知和恐怖时的极端反应,以及他们为生存而采取的极端行为。
7.0 西班牙语,英语 · 1972 · 英国,西班牙 · 恐怖片
克里斯托弗·李,彼得·库欣,阿尔维托·德·门多萨,西尔维娅·托尔托萨,胡利奥·培尼亚,安赫尔·德尔波佐,赫尔佳·丽列,Alice Reinheart,何塞·加斯帕,乔治·里戈,Víctor Israel,Barta Barri,José Canalejas,特利·萨瓦拉斯,Juan Olaguivel,Faith Clift,Peter Beckman
7.0 英语 · 2020 · 欧美 · 欧美剧
埃瑞恩·海耶斯,罗布·许贝尔,莎拉尤·拉奧,弗雷德·迈拉麦德,埃里克·内宁格,朱迪丝·戈德雷什,艾瑞克·奥德,珍妮弗·拉弗勒,罗曼·米蒂齐扬,多米尼克·培斯,维利贝·托皮奇,肯·马里诺,饶至理,罗伯·考德瑞,亚历山大·陈,Jon Klaft,Matthew Gilmore,Andrei Runtso,Ryan Babcock,Michael Balin,Alejandro Barrios,Mich
5.0 英语 · 2009 · 美国 · 喜剧片
克里斯蒂安·史莱特,小库珀·古丁,莎拉·安·舒尔茨,克丽斯塔·坎贝尔,Robert Giardina,艾尔·马德里加尔,John Casino,Merritt Yohnka,洛奇林·莫罗,Alba Jeanne MacConnell,Barrie McConnell,Tracy Schornick,Kelly Hyde,Andrea Hubbard,Saybher Perrigo,约翰尼·马丁,科
一位来自纽约的编辑对一本暴力小说的作者着迷,她私下里调查了他的过去 一个作家深爱的妻子被莫名其妙地杀害。2年后他被一个奇怪的美女缠上,后来妻子突然复活出现。原来作家的妻子是个江洋大盗,因为偷了走私贩的钻石而被追杀,奇怪的美女是联邦调查局的特工。后来两个美女联手,结局是坏人死了,美女得到了她想要的走私贩的客户名单,作家和妻子又和好了,和钻石一起过上了幸福的生活。
8.0 英语 · 2016 · 英国 · 剧情片
Costa Chard,Kate Marie Davies,Barrington De La Roche,Edward Carlton,Sabrina Dickens,Steve Speak,Dylan Curtis,Jackson Wright,Joel Henderson,Miguel de Barros,David Lenik
In the distant future, Jack Deadman and his military team are the final hope to save our dying earth from its hellish apocalypse. The mission is to enter the underground world of Labyrinthia and retrieve the water stolen by the savage inhabitants below... 10 years later, the mission has failed, and Jack Deadman exists in isolation, trapped and buried deep within Labyrinthia. A ...
4.0 英语 · 1962 · 美国 · 剧情片
格利高里·派克,罗伯特·米彻姆,波莉·伯根,Lori Martin,马丁·鲍尔萨姆,杰克·克鲁申,特利·萨瓦拉斯,Barrie Chase,保罗.康尼,John McKee,Page Slattery,Ward Ramsey,爱德华·普拉特,威尔·赖特,Joan Staley,Mack Williams,Thomas Newman,艾伦雷诺兹,Herb Armstrong,Cindy Carol,
卡迪(罗伯特·米彻姆 Robert Mitchum 饰)是一个无恶不作的无耻混蛋,刚刚结束了十四年牢狱生活的他满脑子只有一件事情,就是去向一位名叫萨姆(格利高里·派克 Gregory Peck 饰)的律师寻仇。原来,在曾经的庭审中,萨姆手握这一份对卡迪有利的证据,然而萨姆了解卡迪邪恶的本性,于是选择隐藏了证据,导致卡迪被判了重刑。 卡迪很快就找到了萨姆的住所,他的阴魂不散让萨姆一家人终日生活在担惊受怕之中,不仅如此,卡迪还屡屡骚扰卡迪的妻子佩吉(波莉·伯根 Polly Bergen 饰)和女儿南希(Lori Martin 饰),忍无可忍的萨姆找了一名打手对付卡迪,然而卡迪太过强壮,打手根本就不是他的对手。
3.0 英语 · 2014 · 英国 · 剧情片
凯特·温丝莱特,海伦·麦克洛瑞,斯坦利·图齐,艾伦·瑞克曼,詹妮弗·艾莉,马提亚斯·修奈尔,史蒂芬·威丁顿,Paulina Boneva,丹尼·韦伯,保琳·莫兰,菲丽达·劳,Adrian Scarborough,埃利斯戴尔·皮特里,Barrie Martin,亚当·詹姆斯
故事发生在17世纪的法国。著名的园林设计师安德烈(马提亚斯·修奈尔茨 Matthias Schoenaerts 饰)在女园艺师萨宾娜(凯特·温丝莱特 Kate Winslet 饰)的身上看到了国人的天赋,于是决定举荐她,负责替路易十四(艾伦·里克曼 Alan Rickman 饰)翻修凡尔赛宫的宏伟项目。 在当时,女园艺师是一个备受歧视的职业,然而萨宾娜并不管旁人
7.0 西班牙语,英语 · 1973 · 英国,西班牙 · 科幻片
克里斯托弗·李,彼得·库欣,阿尔维托·德·门多萨,西尔维娅·托尔托萨,胡利奥·培尼亚,安赫尔·德尔波佐,赫尔佳·丽列,Alice Reinheart,何塞·加斯帕,乔治·里戈,Víctor Israel,Barta Barri,José Canalejas,特利·萨瓦拉斯,Juan Olaguivel,Faith Clift,Peter Beckman
英国人类学家克里斯(克里斯托弗·李 Christopher Lee 饰)在中国东北地区发现一个冷冻的人型怪物,并将它带上前往欧洲的列车。然而,在半途中,这个怪物解冻并开始猎杀列车上的乘客,吸取他们的脑浆,导致了恐怖的场面。 尽管车上有军队介入并成功杀死了怪物,但它的意识却转移到了另一个人的身体上,导致杀戮继续。更加可怕的是,它还能够将已经死去的人复活并变成活死人来为它效命。面临如此绝望的局面,幸存的乘客们决定采取极端措施,销毁火车,以终结这一恐怖事件。故事展示了人类在面对未知和恐怖时的极端反应,以及他们为生存而采取的极端行为。
4.0 巴斯克语 · 2022 · 西班牙,法国 · 剧情片
恩尼科·萨伽多伊,Edurne Azkarate,伊西娅尔·伊图诺,拉蒙·阿吉尔,I?igo Aranbarri,伊尼戈·阿兰布鲁,纳戈尔·阿兰布鲁,Karlos Argui?ano,Aitor Barandiaran,帕特希·柏斯库尔特,Gaizka Chamizo,Josu Eguskiza,Kepa Errasti,Gabriel García Mu?oz,Miren Tirapu
Follows Irati, a young girl who will guide a group of christian and muslim warriors through a journey in an ancient mythological world where everything that has a name exists, in an attempt to recover a lost treasure.