4.0 西班牙语 · 2010 · 西班牙 · 喜剧片
里基Ricky(马里奥卡萨斯饰)在不到12岁时就混迹街头,生活上与妓女、皮条客和瘾君子们打成一片,并且与其保持着密切的关系。现在,为了讨刚刚出狱的老妈普拉Pura(安赫拉 ;莫利纳饰)欢心,23岁的里基与自己两个没用的老友开了一家名为;广岛俱乐部 的妓院作为一份礼物让老妈把持。然而,这个快乐的想法是不那么容易实现的...... NEON FLESH 是一部高度犯罪惊悚片,具有独特风格及野性幽默。全片围绕Ricky和他所生活的地下世界展开。Pura,他的母亲,是个妓女,在他12岁就抛弃了他。如今,Ricky长大大人,他想在母亲出狱时开一家妓院孝敬她。他找了他的瘾君子女友帮他拉皮条,还招募了一个相信自己是皇家成员的变性人。但是当Ricky从医院把母亲接回来时,发现母亲已经对自己送的礼物非常腻味了,这让他非常失落。更糟的是,他妓院选址侵犯了无情的暴徒El Chino的领域。
3.0 其它 · 2024 · 其它 · 剧情片
苏西·桑切斯,Gonzalo Molina,Jimena Lindo,ABRIL GJURINOVIC,LUANA VEGA
Everything happens very fast in Lima in the summer of 1992. In the midst of Peru’s social and political chaos, Lucia, Aurora and their mother Elena are preparing to emigrate to the USA. They are apprehensive about saying goodbye to their country, family and friends, but above all to Carlos, the father and ex-husband who has all but disappeared from their lives. Facing the uncertainty of their future head on awakens contradictory feelings, reviving old regrets and generating new illusions. Frustrations and fears mix with excitement and expectation. Together, the family must confront the difficult truth about the losses that this departure implies.